Worst subject turns to my favorite subject

Till 9th maths has been the worst, hard and most boring subject other than social in my life.You can never imagine how much i hated maths.I used to tell my parents that i had studied maths so much, but i didn't get good marks.When i reached 10th i decided to learn maths as that was our last chance to prove them that we are eligible for what we opted for class 11th.I decided to attend tuition(extra class) in a place near by my house.I have to say that, the teacher is the best maths teacher you could ever get.I was the only child in that class,and i used to get more attention from that mam alone.I started to do more extra problems, when ever i had doubt in any steps in a problem she used to explain it to me until i get what she is trying to tell.Slowly i started to understand what maths means and i started to score good marks which astonished few of my class mates.Doing lots of extra problems would help you understand the concept of each lessons,and if you don't have the bases in maths, doing extra problems with the help of some others would help you learn those.Now the worst subject has turned to most favorite subject in my life.With a little effort i think those who tell maths is bad would definitely change their opinion about maths.
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