A very late new year wishes

My new year started with a very dramatic beginning. We used to go to club every new year night and we have people from my fathers company, and there will be few programmes conducted by their children of different ages, which sometimes are so hilarious. But every time i alone used to accompany my father and i end up getting bore for more than 3hrs. So this time i told my father before hand that i wouldn't go with him. And i started fighting with my father so that i can sit at home and get bored. To my surprise that night my brother and my mother started getting ready to go to the club, I suddenly jumped up from my bed and got dressed very quickly that i didn't wanted to sit home alone.
With lots and lots of regret i got into the car, thinking how bored i would get. But later i cheered myself up so that i don't make the trip bad for everyone. We reached the gate and i don't know how bad i didn't wanted to go in there.
When i was a small kid i used to have many friends back there, but since i have shift my house,i lost all my contact with many of them with a few remaining. I went inside with my mother and as usual i saw many new faces. But it was not so exciting, but few seconds later i saw my senior school mate there and we ended up talking so much. She is doing her BDS in a university in India. Later while i was talking with my brother, I saw my childhood friend and we talked a lot.And he is doing in BDS in a government medical college in India. And later we had food , food and food. And this is something i enjoy doing the most. And this trip turned out to be one of my best new years of all time.
I hope all of you had a great time and again wishing you a very grant new year.
credits: This image was shamelessly copied from Google images. And if the owner wants to delete this image, pls do send a message.
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