Feeling sorry?

We have a combined class for maths, which means half of the bio students and half of the commerce student will seated in the bio group class studying math and the remaining will be seated in the commerce class where they will be learning computer. This means we get a chance to mingle with few of our old classmates. I am seating in the front row and next to me is a boy who happens to be one of my friend, behind my seat is a girl who happens to have my same name and is one of my good friend. Altogether it means that maths class is pretty funny.Although me and my friend share this same name, we got lots of things in common as well as different. For example, she got a childish voice and i have got a bold voice.And this is one of the many things my friends are joking about. So one day in maths class,we where asked to study for math test, and as usual before the every test she put, we starts to beg her to postponed it.A few times she have postponed the test and over many no. of time ...