
i dont know if i can call it superstition, but i would definitely call it stupid. you know wat they say about Santa!right? SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!. hahaaa.. Well, since i was a lil kid i knew Santa wasn't real. And i never understood why kids believed it so badly that Santa was for real. stupid kids!!!;-) Since its Christmas you might have heard a lot of stories related to Christmas in plenty of blogs. Guys dont worry, i am not here to share anything on Christmas. I am here to tell you how i have been cheated upon by my own father.. i know it sounds scary, but its a stupid story. Trust me on this and continue reading.. So this began when i was studying in 1st or 2nd standard in school. I hope u guys have heard about house centipede!!! My father was super strict when me and my brother we lil kids. Maybe he said this to keep me safe or prevent me from playing in mud or something else. He said a bite of the house centipede could kill a person.damn it!!!! That was a shocking news ...