Weird Dream

I started my day reading an article about an elephant rescue in the newspaper, the rescue wasn't successful since after hours of struggling the elephant couldn't withstand all those pressure it went through and it finally had to die. Anyways!! the news came with lots of photos and it almost covered a whole lot of space. This news sort of fascinated me due to the lot of importance the editor had given to this particular news, which i talked about to a couple of people. The story actually starts here. It was 3 in the afternoon and after studying for a while i was so sleepy and i thought i would take a nap and wake after an hour or so and i kept the alarm on. After correct one hour alarm went on and i woke up, but due to the warm air and tiredness and as any others would do, i woke up and put the alarm off and went to sleep. And this is when all those stupid things happened.......... Once upon a time there lived a girl who has absolutely no idea how to drive a car but she d...