
Showing posts from December, 2012

Happy christmas

hi everyone, another much awaited Christmas has come . Christmas is always about joy, love,   fun, family, drink or what ever that comes to your mind .  Christmas bring people closer. It brings Jesus closer. Together it bring happiness closer.  Every Christmas we all will have a story to write about. Every year it is different. Every year it is sweeter . At the end of the year , we will be having a story to share with. And here is mine  Every Christmas,  I find something different in someone who i care or supposed to love.  And like always this year too I found something different in someone i care about. I mean it was a huge difference that i could ever find in that person. Actually he is a kind of person who don't talks too much or smile too much, but yester day when i saw him, he was completely different . I saw him smile ma ny times and also even talking. In some way it appeared bit strange to me but i was so happy for him. I...

little more country than that

Do you want to hear the real country songs, you need to listen to Easton Corbin.I think he is one of the best and real country singer. If you would hear him, i am sure you would stop listening to the Taylor Swift's crap songs. I find majority of her songs more pop than country.  Here are few of Easton Corbin's song which i personally like