
Showing posts from February, 2012

Sam's Letters to Jennifer

After long days of half an hour reading,I finished reading this novel written by James Patterson. This story is amazingly beautiful.The story starts with Jennifer visiting her grandmother Samantha in the hospital who is in coma. Jennifer finds the letters written to her by Sam. The story continues with the revealing of the hidden love story of her grandmother and Doc. Meanwhile her visit in the hospital, after a very long time Jennifer herself finds a true love Brendan, who is her childhood friend. The story tells about the relationships and its beauty. Anyone reading this novel will find it nice, simple and elegant.I don't want to reveal the suspense,so do read the book yourself. Happy reading!!!

Aurora Borealis

I don't know how many of you have heard about this, but this is something worth seeing. I found out about this while i was reading a novel. This quite amused me and I searched it in youtube. And that was really stunning and so beautiful from what I have expected. The science behind this is very fascinating. This video I post here is from youtube. Credits: creator of this video in Youtube

Seen one like this?


Panoramic photography

The last time I wrote about panoramic photography, I have been planning to put one of them here.

A dry leaf about to fall off

Just like a human life, the life span of the leaf had ended.Everyone remembers the day we are born or atleast ourselves. And we celebrate our birthday every year hoping we can do the same next year, like we say "many many happy returns of the day". But the chances of we living are in gods hand or like in math we say we have 50% chance in living or dying. We don't know the life after the death. What happens to us is actually a true mystery.There are many explanation given in many scriptures and scientific books. Do we actually believe that? In my case 'no'. Once my friend told me something that she has read somewhere. The incident was about a man who tried to suicide, was rescued by some fisher men.The man who was rescued told that the few moments before the end of his life was the most peaceful time in his entire life. He said that he actually didn't felt any pain just before his death. I don't know whether to believe him or not. Any way we know the deat...




Here are few pics the I took recently. I tried editing it on picasa 3.


This is how autumn looks in our country.